The collaborative began in 2006

In the face of impending changes to hospice reimbursement, we embarked on sustainability measures, including creating a provider network. Here is our story.



At the collaborative’s inception, our primary focus was how to counteract for-profit competitors that had recently entered the south central Wisconsin market.


During this period WHPCC implemented more structure and outlined our purpose, values, vision, and process to admit new members. We standardized documentation, as well as eligibility and related/unrelated determinations. We discussed regulatory issues, benchmarked quality, created joint purchasing agreements and shared best practices.


We explored ways to re-establish a state association and worked with the Department of Health Services to update Chapter 131-Hospice Regulations. Approved a 2018-2020 strategic plan and began to explore developing a provider network.


WHPCC formally incorporated as a 501c3 organization.

Work began to build a provider network and create a governance structure. Contracts executed for a Supportive Care Management pilot with WEA/Health Traditions.


Supportive Care Management program with Health Traditions and WEA Trust begins.

2022 and beyond

Adoray Home Health & Hospice joins WHPCC.

Members are committed to reduce costs, improve quality and enhance access for seniors throughout Wisconsin to a full spectrum of services for people with serious illness.